Pleasant Forest Shores cottages - South Chatham MA / Cape Cod

1, 2 & 3 Bedroom cottages & efficiency apartment - Weekly rentals

Want to see more?

Here are some OLDER videos that average 1 minute in duration and 3MB in size,
and which show a few things not as easily seen via Photo Album,
BUT also show some previous furnishings, esp in living rooms:

(Note: These videos were taken using movie mode on a OLD 2-megapixel point & shoot camera,
thus no sound and quality is not optimal, but it's better than still photos!)

What you'll see when you drive in from Pleasant Street...
And when you drive back out from Cottage #5...

Left video: YouTube -- PFS Drive in            Right video: YouTube -- PFS Drive out

A quick tour of Cottage #2 (left)...
And one of Cottage #4 (right)...
Added a bit of classical music!

Left video: YouTube -- PFS ctg #2            Right video: YouTube -- PFS ctg #4

It takes about 45 seconds to drive 1/4 mile to Pleasant St beach...
Or about 1 minute to drive 1/3 mile to Forest Beach Rd beach...
Yes, you can easily walk also but it'll take a bit longer! :)

Left video: YouTube -- PFS Pleasant St            Right video: YouTube -- PFS Forest Bch
Note: Vehicle appears to be moving faster than it actually was due to camera and
format conversions needed for web...Speed was only about 20 mph.